I’m still yet to be convinced that flat packs or “kits” are the way people should be going as these type of kitchens and cabinets take up a lot of time which not many people have or have the DIY skills needed for such jobs.
At RJC cabinets we come to your own home free of charge and guide you through the myriad of decisions to be made with ease and experience. From what we I have seen over the 30+ years of working in cabinetry is that people will initially save money by buying flat packs or “kits” but I have noticed that people usually don’t factor in the time they have spent making their product and also the quality of finish you will get.
People will often see displays of flat packs and “kits” they like but what they don’t realise is that the company has hired a professional to put them together. Through all of my experience I know the ins and outs of every part of the process in creating your desired product/s and will be with you every step of the way which is why I strongly believe that having a custom made product is the way to go.

Custom Design
- 1) Only use custom made board where possible. Built to Australian standards with low to no formaldehyde
2) You deal with me from start to finish
3) Our onsite time frame is generally one to two business days
4) Cost effective considering if you where to construct yourself it would take away your time
5) You are ensured of a quality fit down to the last detail
6) Years of experience
1) These type of kitchens have a high probability of using cheaper types of board with lower quality control and higher formaldehyde ratings
2) You go through a multitude of people and usually a lot of parts will be missing in the pack which is wasting your time
3) As there are multiple people you are dealing with information will most likely change from one person to the next, which means there is more chance of something going wrong
4) Unless you have the skills and the time to construct yourself you are not saving yourself a lot of money for a lot more hassle
5) The majority of the job may be okay but may lack the final finishes and touches